The Original Series Canon

Created by Captain James McGowan on Thu Mar 31st, 2022 @ 6:58am

Star Trek: The Original Series is part of the canon of Alternatrek with some additions and subtractions for the purposes of setting this universe apart from that of what was seen on screen. Readers of 'That Wacky Redhead' by Brainbin will recognize some additions as his, while others are based on FASA, Franz Josef, or my own creation.

2264 - Season 1

This occurs mostly as seen on screen, though City on the Edge of Forever happens after Operation Annihilate.

2265 - Season 2

Assignment: Earth does not occur in relation to Alternatrek.

2266 - Season 3

    "Joanna" involves McCoy's daughter, estranged from her father over differences in galactic outlook, discovering that the Orions are not 'misunderstood' but working with the Klingons for profit; she develops a little attraction to Kirk, who graciously redirects her attentions to Chekov, being closer to her age. By the end of the episode, Joanna develops a newfound respect for Starfleet and decides to become a nurse in Starfleet.
    "Freedom's Price" tells the story of a planet where people blindly obey the cruel government on the planet, while Kirk and crew arrive to investigate the disappearance of a federation envoy. The government spies on everyone and conducts cruel experiments on people without regard to their safety. Kirk finds the envoy and helps spur a rebellion that topples the government.
    "An End to Bondage" - Kirk and crew transport down to a planet where dark-skinned people enslaved fair-skinned people. Uhura and McCoy go down to the planet with McCoy as Uhura's 'slave' to find the missing federation envoy. Kirk goes down and finds a somewhat open minded black noblewoman whom he kisses (naturally) and their time together helps put the idea into her mind and others that slavery could end and equality could lift everyone. "Turnabout Intruder" - Rosemarie Hillcrest stars as Janice Lester in this episode, who steals Kirk's body for a month before he gets it back, Kirk (in Lester's body) having several eye-opening moments with Chapel, Uhura, and Palmer about being a woman before getting his own body back.
    "Oasis in the Stars" - an Orion female escapes being a slave, and is rescued by the Enterprise, which causes a small diplomatic incident with a non-aligned world with rich dilithium deposits, but regularly engages in slave trade. The female, Kayra, discovers a new way to live, and wants to join Starfleet.
    Spock's Brain, And the Children Shall Lead, Plato's Stepchildren are not produced.

2267 - Season 4

There are 26 episodes this season, among them:
    "Yesteryear" - Sarek and Amanda return in a story by DC Fontana, focusing on Spock's childhood and expanding on much of the Vulcan culture. Kirk, Bones, Scotty, and Uhura only appear at the beginning and end of the story, and in pauses of the story where they ask questions. We see scenes of Spock's troubles growing up as a half-human child and his decision to join Starfleet rather than the Vulcan Science Directorate.
    "The Lorelei Signal" - the male crewmen fall under the spell of evil siren-like women (played by a number of attractive women in uniquely Star Trek outfits), who bring them to their planet to serve them, leaving the women of the ship to form a new command structure, with Uhura, now a Lt. Cdr., in command. Christine Chapel is made CMO, Lt. Cdr. Astrid van der Poel (Astrid Schultz) the science officer and XO, and Lt Ashley McConnell (Allison Parks) becomes Chief Engineer. They heroically rescue the crew of the Enterprise, with Uhura receiving a special commendation. Overall similar to the TAS episode, but with a more fleshed-out story, and the female villains given strength above human male for their species, and with more character scenes for the female crew.
    "Mudd's Passion" - Harry Mudd returns, having escaped from the android planet to menace the crew once more
    "More Tribbles, More Troubles" - Cyrano Jones, the tribbles, and Captain Kor return in this episode, a more fleshed out version of the TAS episode
    "The Choice" - Joanna McCoy returns, bringing to light the Tuska VI plague that the Enterprise is sent to relieve. With the ship overwhelmed, she becomes an orderly for her father, and begins to see the good he does, and how he cares for people, her original pushy political opinions morphing into a genuine concern for people and helping others, ending the episode with her deciding to become a doctor like her father, as she tells him she's proud of him, and wants to join Starfleet, not because she wants to see more women as doctors just to have women as doctors, but because the stars need people who *care* about others, regardless of their gender.
      "The Lunar Eclipse" - The Enterprise returns to Earth's moon, where 38 million people live, and uncover a plot to destroy the moon by a rogue Klingon sleeper cell. The episode uses a desilu golf cart as a lunar rover and spacesuits attached to cables to simulate low gravity.

    2268 - Season 5

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